Het Standaart Theaterorgel
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Het Standaart Theaterorgel te Schiedam
De Nederlandse Orgel Federatie (kortweg N.O.F.) doet samen met zijn bestuur en het technische team van Schiedam hun uiterste best u van de meest kwalitatieve service te bieden. Op deze website kunt u lezen wat wij voor u kunnen betekenen maar vooral wat u voor ons kunt betekenen.
It is always great when you can play the organ with Jaap Keizerwaard. Here the always cheerful Jean Martyn with Jaap and his 'magic' organ.
The Magic Organ has also become famous thanks to its well-known players. Many celebrities have played and recorded with it. Cor Steyn is probably the best known. He has performed a lot with this magical organ. Cornelis Gerardus Hendricus Steyn (1906 - 1965) was a famous musician in the sixties.He worked at the VARA on various projects. Cor has become best known as "Meneer Cor Steyn" at the wonderful shows of Dorus (Tom Manders). Here Cor guided in a sublime way behind the keys an equally sublime entertainer who, as a so-called vagabond, did naughty but also moving things.Everyone was glued to the tube so as not to miss anything of that wonderful humor and especially beautiful music by "Meneer Cor Steyn" The Magic Organ from the early days. An old vinyl recording of Cor Steyn Unfortunately, Cor Steyn passed away much too soon. He died on November 17, 1965 at the age of 58 of a heart attack.But we will never forget Cor with his eternal sounds and thanks to the Magic Organ.
Jaap Keizerwaard's organ was very popular and famous, especially in the 1970s under the name 'Magic Organ'. It was the time when more affordable electronic organs appeared in the living room. This 'Magic Organ' was much more advanced in terms of electronics than the organs in our living rooms. It had three manuals/keyboards. And it produced superior, magical sounds thanks to an enormous number of registers and other possibilities. The brain behind this organ was Jaap Keizerwaard. An electrical engineer in heart and soul who had the passion to create a special organ of his own. Jaap Keizerwaard sadly passed away on February 9, 2019 at the age of almost 90.
De NOFiteiten, Nederlands beste glossy Theaterorgel magazine.
Een prachtig Nederlandstalig blad met veel info over theaterorgels, wetenswaardigheden, activiteiten in Nederland en soms daarbuiten en in het middenkatern bladmuziek, speciaal gearrangeerd voor het theaterorgel.